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This data represents aggregated & anonymized data from a subset of investments from fund managers on AngelList (as of 2025/02/04). The data only includes investments made in US Dollars. Values are rounded for privacy and only included when we can ensure anonymity. The date provided here reflects the date when the investment was submitted to AngelList.
The data here only reflects companies that were able to succesfully raise capital which means there is a natural selection bias. The investment activity chart shows the relative count of number of rounds happening, which helps show relative trends in investment activity.
Learn more about post-money valuations
This occurs where there is interpolation between weeks where there are insufficient data points.
The round size divided by the post-money valuation, providing an approximation of how much dilution holders take on from new money in. This measure does not account for option pools or other transactions beyond the new funds raised in the round.