SAFE Market Data

Market Data (from Q2 2024) from AngelList Venture

About this market data

This data represents aggregated & anonymized data from a subset of early stage investments from fund managers on AngelList in the three months of (as of Q2 2024).

Data Quality

The dataset consists of thousands of investments (from Q2 2024) from AngelList Venture. All data displayed here uses a minimum of fifty investments and values are rounded for privacy.


Information is as of Q2 2024 and may not be reflective of the venture industry as a whole. AngelList Venture undertakes no obligation to provide any updates.
The content provided here, including any charts and graphs, is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as or relied upon in any manner as investment, legal, tax, or other advice. You should consult your own advisers if you require advice of any kind. Please consult an attorney for legal questions as this tool is not a replacement for an attorney. Nothing contained on this page or made available via the tool shall constitute attorney work product or the practice of law.
Venture investing involves a high degree of risk and is suitable only for sophisticated and qualified accredited investors.
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